Our Response to Recent Mass Shootings

Finding Tangible Ways to Help Make an Impact
We were shocked and heartbroken to learn of the most recent series of mass shootings to take place in Texas and Ohio. Like many of you, we were left with so many questions, but the one that continued to standout was simply... how can we help? We began asking ourselves whether there was anything we could do to rally our resources and community to make some sort of tangible impact?
It's so easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless in the face of tragedies of this nature. The statistics are jarring, but the one thing that is clear is that this is a uniquely American problem.
Over the past week we have seen a widespread outcry for action surrounding a range of topics from gun control to mental health awareness. Many brands have jumped in to offer their support and built awareness for policies working toward systemic change. While this is important work, and we're grateful for the groups championing these causes, our sights began to set on a different population of people: the victims and their families.
The work of KNOWN SUPPLY has always been founded on the idea that we can create immediate and pragmatic impact for marginalized and vulnerable people groups. In this same spirit, an idea was born to get involved.
We were planning to launch a new shirt this week. You can see it above... it's a line drawing done by Chelsea Michal Garter and the text reads "We are all connected." This statement means everything to us, as it suggests the common humanity we all share. It also infers the underlying sentiment that in this commonality we have a responsibility to help and care for others where we can.
So here's what we're doing...
for the month of August we will be donating all proceeds from the sale of this shirt to two community organizations that are supporting shooting victims and their families.
This is our simple, imperfect way to use what we have to make an impact in the wake of these unfortunate events. Please join us.
The community foundations we'll be evenly distributing donations to have set up special funds to support victims & their families in Dayton, Ohio (The Dayton Foundation) and El Paso, Texas (Paso Del Norte Community Foundation).

And if you drive by our offices in Costa Mesa, you will see this important reminder reflected on the front of our building...