CAUSEBOX Exclusive: Duffel Bag

Partnering to Highlight More Makers
We have a long-held belief at KNOWN SUPPLY that the fashion industry will be better for everyone when shoppers are able to know the makers of their products. This simple act builds empathy and understanding like nothing else can, and it has the ability to positively impact one of the harshest global industries (fashion), as well as humanity as a whole.
This is why we are eager to partner with others who share this belief and want to help introduce their communities to the concept.

So when Causebox -- the quarterly subscription box that curates cause-related products -- reached out about partnering on their fall box we immediately began brainstorming ways we could help them bring this transparency and purpose to their product mix.
They were hoping to introduce one of the biggest products they had ever put in one of their boxes, a duffle bag, and we both decided this would be the perfect item to collaborate on.
First things first, we needed to decide where this bag could be made. We learned that Causebox had a longstanding artisan-direct partnership with an amazing women-led cooperative in India. They were excited about producing the bag here and we knew we could help them highlight the amazing individuals behind the operation. So that's exactly what we did.
Next, we got to sit down and design the bag together, three unique colors as well as the design details (including the labels with the makers' names attached, of course).
We are so proud of how this bag came together, but even more for the positive impact it is helping create for the artisans involved. Each one of them given the opportunity to earn wages well-above similar employment opportunities in their area, and the opportunity to be recognized for their incredible handiwork.
We have already seen hundreds of thank you notes come through from Causebox customers, and these kind messages will no doubt be very impactful for these artisans to read and learn about the love you all have for the products they make.
Thanks to Causebox for their partnership on this project. Below you can view more photos from the production facility in Jaipur, India where these bags were made.
PLEASE NOTE: These custom duffle bags are only available through the purchase of the fall delivery of Causebox. Go order one HERE.