New Release: "Hug More Often" by Gregory Beauchamp

A Healthy Dose of Optimism
We recently came across the art of Gregory Beauchamp and immediately knew we had to find a way to work together. His ability to simply communicate deeply human and optimistic messages grabbed our attention.
At KNOWN SUPPLY, we stand for the makers. Those who produce our clothing and those we get to partner with to share a positive message to the world. So, we wanted to introduce you to Gregory through this short interview.
Your art seems to radiate optimism for humanity. Where does this come from?
I live with a guiding dose of idealism where trying to be on the love side of choice can affect larger change : ) I base my art on three beliefs: (1) the simpler you can make something the more universal it becomes, (2) creativity can solve anything, and (3) together we can make tomorrow better than today, for everyone.
The simplicity of your work captured me right away. How difficult is it for you to come up with such powerful, yet simple, visuals?
It’s always been fun beginning a new piece with simplicity as a goal. Sometimes the ideas arrange themselves graphically from the start and seem almost obvious, others need much more time to reveal and be revealed. It seems the more information I can bring to each piece, the more I’m able to know where to evolve something.
What other inputs or interests fuel your work?
I’ve always had a curiosity towards figuring out the purpose and process of things… myself included. The greatest insight I have towards an answer is reflected through the two things I love the most, a girl named Jenny and a cat called Motley.
Help us be more optimistic. What have you been fascinated by lately?
I’m fascinated by the idea of the world being full of happy little moments and that the chance you’re surrounded by them must be enormous.
** NOTE: This is a limited-edition collection. We are pre-selling this item and will only print a small amount of extra shirts for the late-comers.
Check out more of Gregory Beauchamp's work >>>